Castor Oil Can Save You From Acne
Organic Castor oil contains fatty acid and minerals, which plays an essential role in treating acne scars on your face. Apply castor oil on your face will help you get rid of acne scars on your face.
How Acne Formed On Your Skin?
Acne is found everywhere in your body, like on your face, neck, and chest. The acne is the pimples formed on your skin, blackhead, and whiteheads. The blackhead is open and due to oxygen in the air, and the whiteheads are under the skin.
Here is the reason, how, and why acne scars are formed on your skin. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition when oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria blocked under your skin pores. When the acne clears, the skin tries to heal itself, producing a particular type of collagen. Some acne makes small scars on your skin, which can heal quickly. Sometimes it penetrates deep into your skin causes deep scars. If the body produces low collagen, the scars are shown on your skin.
Is Castor Oil Treat Acne Scars?
Castor oil for acne scars is composed of natural fatty acids, nutrients, vitamins, and ricinoleic acid with an antibacterial and antimicrobial property that enters the skin pores, kills the bacteria and removes dirt from skin pores that cause acne.
Advantages of castor oil for skin:
Castor oil contains vitamin E, omega 9, and ricinoleic acid, which are the best for treating acne. Here are the advantages of castor oil for skin.
- Castor oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that help your skin for treating irritated skin.
- The antimicrobial properties of castor oil protect your skin by killing the harmful bacteria that cause acne.
- Castor oil is filled with triglycerides, which help moisturize your skin and keep it hydrated.
- Castor oil has an ability that it draws the moisture from surrounding and locks the water into the skin and keep it hydrated.
- The castor oil is rich with fatty acids, which helps remove dirt and impurities from your skin and keep the skin fresh and healthy.
- Castor oil is also helpful to lighten the spots on your skin because of acne. Apply castor oil on the marks and keep it over-night for the best results.
How to apply castor oil on acne scars
Before using castor oil on acne scars, remember that using only one time will not give the best results. Apply it regularly for a positive outcome. Here are the following steps for using castor oil on your skin.
- Pick the time of using castor oil. We recommend using castor oil on the affected area at night because it absorbs the skin overnight and gives you effective results.
- Before applying, wash your face and make sure that it is properly cleaned and dry it with a cotton cloth.
- Take a clean, soft cotton swab, mix it with castor oil, and gently apply it on the acne scars.
- After applying, make sure that the entire affected area is covered with the oil. Keep it on for efficient results