Posted on by Catherine Omondi

how to tie in hair tinsel without causing hair damage

In the vast world of hair accessories, few can rival the festive shimmer of hair tinsel. Whether it’s a glitzy night out or simply adding a touch of glamour to your everyday look, these delicate strands can elevate your style. One of the issues people think about is how to tie tinsel in hair without causing unnecessary strain or damage. The brilliance of hair tinsel shouldn’t come at the cost of your hair’s health. This article delves deep into the safe technique of tying and removing hair tinsel, ensuring your locks remain as lustrous as the tinsel they sport. Let’s unveil the secret to sparkling, damage-free hair.

Can hair tinsel damage your hair?

If applied and removed incorrectly, hair tinsel can damage your hair. The following are some of the ways hair tinsel can result in hair damage:

  1. Improper application: If you tie the hair tinsel too tightly, the hair tinsel can cause strain on individual hair strands, leading to breakage.
  2. Tangling and matting: This happens if the hair tinsel is longer than your natural hair. It can get tangled, causing knots that may require cutting or breaking the hair to remove.
  3. Abrasion: The texture of poor-quality hair tinsel can sometimes cause abrasion against natural hair stands, leading to wear and tear over time.
  4. Weight and pulling: If too many hair tinsels are attached to a small section of hair, or if the tinsel strands are heavy, it can cause weight-related stress, potentially leading to hair breakage.
  5. Heat damage: Using hot tools directly or near the hair tinsel can cause both the hair tinsel and your natural hair to get damaged.
  6. Removal risks: If you do not remove the hair tinsel gently, the tinsel can cause the hair strands to break.
  7. Chemical reactions: If you plan to use chemical treatments like perms and hair dyes, the reaction between the chemicals and the hair tinsel might not be favorable for your hair.

That said, when applied, maintained, and removed correctly, hair tinsel can be a fun, temporary addition to your look without causing any hair damage.

Safety essentials: Selecting the right hair tinsel materials

Navigating the world of hair accessories can sometimes feel like transversing a glittering maze. Each turn introduces you to a new type of shimmer, each more enticing than the last. Yet, as with many things in life, not all that glitters is suited for your hair. As we discuss the factors to consider when safely applying hair tinsel, the hair tinsel material plays a critical role in determining its suitability and safety. Keep reading to understand the nuances of selecting the perfect hair tinsel material, ensuring you maintain your style and your hair’s health.

1.    The gold standard: High-quality salon-grade hair tinsel

When adorning your locks with a sparkling touch, use salon-grade hair tinsel. Investing in a salon-grade tinsel hair extensions kit is crucial, as it’s specifically crafted to prioritize your hair’s health. Made with precision and care, the tinsel in this kit is designed to integrate seamlessly with your hair strands. Its meticulous composition minimizes friction, ensuring the shimmering strands glide smoothly without causing any abrasions. Furthermore, the lightweight nature of salon-grade tinsel ensures that your hair remains free from undue weight or stress, letting you flaunt your hair without compromising its well-being.

2.    The risks of craft and decorative hair tinsel

Venturing into the world of craft and decorative tinsel for hair embellishments poses significant risks to the health of your hair. These tinsels, primarily designed for arts, crafts, or festive space decorations, are not made with hair safety in mind. Their material is often more rigid, rougher, and lacks the finesse required for hair compatibility. This non-hair-specific design and material composition make them a potential hazard when intertwined with hair strands. As a result, users may experience difficulty during detangling, leading to unwanted hair breakage.

3.    What to look for in hair tinsel materials

The tinsel's material is critical to your hair's overall health and safety. Silk, with its innate softness and flexibility, stands out as a preferred material. Its lightweight nature ensures that it seamlessly blends with hair, minimizing the potential for damage. Similarly, high-quality polyester hair tinsel, designed with hair health in mind, is another commendable option that respects the integrity of your tresses. On the other hand, avoid hair tinsels made from metallic or plastic-based materials. Such hair tinsel is heavier and more rigid, exerting undue stress on hair and heightening the risk of breakage. In essence, when choosing hair tinsel, the material isn't just a matter of aesthetics – it's a paramount consideration for the health and well-being of your hair.

4.    Characteristics of unsafe hair tinsel

Before tying tinsel to your hair, you should discern between safe and potentially harmful choices. A trio of characteristics – weight, texture, and rigidity – are primary indicators of tinsel that might not play well with your hair. Hair tinsel that feels unusually heavy in your hand can be a warning sign. Once this tinsel is tied into your hair, it may exert undue tension, leading to strain. Equally concerning is tinsel with a coarse or overly pronounced texture. This can act abrasively against delicate hair strands, accelerating wear and potential damage. Furthermore, hair tinsel that lacks flexibility can make the tying process problematic, amplifying the risk of hair stress.

Preparing your hair for hair tinsel application

Before learning how to put hair tinsel in, start by laying a strong foundation. This foundation revolves around the integrity and health of your hair, ensuring that it can comfortably and safely hold the hair tinsel.

1.    Hair health check

Evaluate the health of your hair before deciding to tie hair tinsel. If your strands are weak, damaged, or have been subjected to excessive chemical processes, you should reconsider applying hair tinsel. Such hair conditions elevate the risk of breakage, given the already compromised strands might not withstand the added pressure or weight of the hair tinsel.

2.    Pre-tinsel conditioning

Boost your hair's resilience using a deep-conditioning treatment before the hair tinsel application. Conditioning treatments infuse hair with the necessary moisture, strengthen the hair shaft, and enhance its elasticity. Such fortified hair becomes a more hospitable environment for hair tinsel, minimizing the risk associated with tying and wear.

Secure and safe hair tinsel tying techniques

Draping your hair with shimmering tinsel hair extensions is more than just a beauty trend; it’s an art that demands precision and understanding. When pondering over the best way to tie hair tinsel, several factors come into play, ensuring the safety and longevity of both your natural hair and the hair tinsel.

1.    Optimal placement for less strain

Not all areas of your head are created equal when it comes to bearing the weight and presence of hair tinsel. Choosing locations where the hair is strong and can easily camouflage the tinsel’s knots, like areas behind the ears or at the base of the crown, can help distribute the tinsel’s weight evenly, preventing strain.

2.    Knotting know-how and techniques

The technique employed in attaching the tinsel is critical. Gentle knotting methods are essential to secure the tinsel. Use soft, non-abrasive knots and ensure they’re tight enough to hold but not so tight as to cause hair breakage.

3.    Tension troubles

Over-tightening the hair tinsel risks hair breakage and reduces circulation at the roots, leading to discomfort and potential hair follicle stress. Such undue strain can translate into long-term damage and hair thinning. Hence, when deliberating on the best way to tie hair tinsel, it’s critical to favor a softer, more cautious approach.

4.    Avoid overcrowding

Do not introduce too many tinsel strands to a small section of hair, as this can be counterproductive. It can cause undue strain and increase the likelihood of tangling. Aim for a scattered, natural look by spreading the tinsel strands evenly across different sections. It’s essential to ensure the weight of the tinsel doesn’t strain or stress the section of hair it’s attached to. Overburdening a small section of hair with too many tinsel strands can lead to breakage. For a cluster of hair with about 10 strands, you should ideally tie about 1 or 2 tinsel strands for even weight distribution. Balancing aesthetic with hair health ensures you enjoy the shimmer without compromise.

5.    Mind the length

An essential aspect of hair tinsel application is ensuring the tinsel’s length mirrors that of your natural hair. Tinsel that is significantly longer than your hair can become a tangling nightmare. Trim it or choose tinsel that aligns with your hair’s length to reduce the risk of knots and subsequent damage.

Daily hair and tinsel maintenance

The journey of hair tinsel safety doesn’t end with the twinkling strands beautifully integrated into your hair. Maintaining the shimmer while ensuring hair health is equally crucial. Here are some curated tips to keep the sparkle alive without compromising hair health:

1.    Detangling with care

Whether it's the aftermath of a gusty day or just the morning tussle, it's vital to detangle your hair. Opt for a wide-tooth comb or brush equipped with soft bristles. Always begin from the tips, gradually working your way towards the roots. This technique minimizes pulling and protects both your hair and the hair tinsel.

2.    Gentle washing

If you've ever wondered how to wash your hair with hair tinsel in it, the answer is 'gentle does it.' Reach for sulfate-free shampoos that cleanse without being too harsh. While massaging the scalp, be gentle to avoid undue stress on the tinsel strands. Aggressive scrubbing is a no-go zone, as it can displace or tangle the tinsel.

3.    Condition to prevent tangles

Post-shampoo, a good conditioner reintroduces lost moisture and creates a smooth barrier, making future detangling sessions more effortless. The slip the conditioner provides minimizes friction between hair strands and tinsel, keeping potential tangles at bay.

4.    Mind the heat

While styling tools can work wonders for your hairstyle, direct heat can spell doom for hair tinsel. Reduce the temperature settings on your devices, and if possible, use a heat protectant. Ensure direct contact between the hair tinsel and hot tools is minimized to avoid melting or heat damage.

Safe hair tinsel removal

The removal process for hair tinsel is just as crucial as the application process. How you remove these glistening hair tinsel strands can influence your hair’s health and strength. If you are pondering how to get hair tinsel out of your hair, the following is a step-by-step guide to ensure a safe and damage-free removal process.

1.    Recognizing the right time

Before diving into the removal process, it’s essential to discern when your hair tinsel has served its time. Signs that it’s the right time to remove your hair tinsel include loose knots, fraying ends, or when it has lost its luster and looks worn out.

2.    Slide, don’t pull

Exercise patience when removing hair tinsel. If a tinsel strand feels loose or starts to slide on its own, gently guide it down the length of your hair rather than yanking or pulling. This is the best way to safely remove hair tinsel to prevent unnecessary hair breakage.

3.    Conditioner or oil to the rescue

Encountering stubborn hair tinsel knots? Before panicking, apply a little conditioner or hair oil to the knotted area. These products offer the necessary slip to make the hair tinsel’s removal smoother and less stressful on your hair.

4.    Scissors with caution

When trying to figure out how to remove hair tinsel, you may have to resort to cutting the hair tinsel. However, be extremely careful. The goal is to ensure that only the tinsel strand meets the scissor’s blade, not your natural hair. To reduce the risk of accidental snips, get help from a friend who can see and access the tinsel strand more clearly.

5.    Addressing tangles

If the hair tinsel becomes entwined with your hair, use a wide-tooth comb and your conditioner or oil to gently work through the tangle. This ensures the hair tinsel is separated safely from your hair without causing damage.

Aftercare: Rejuvenating your post-tinsel hair

Once the hair tinsel strands are safely removed, your hair will need some tender love and care to ensure that it remains in its prime. Post-tinsel care ensures your hair bounces back to its natural vitality and prepares it for any future styling adventures. Here’s a guide on how to nurture and rejuvenate your post-tinsel hair:

1.    Deep conditioning and recovery

After the removal of tinsel, your hair might feel slightly different. Invest in a deep conditioning treatment to restore your hair's natural softness and sheen. Whether it's a store-bought mask or a homemade concoction rich in natural oils and ingredients, ensure it offers deep moisturizing properties. This step will help reintroduce the lost moisture into your hair, fortifying its natural barrier and restoring its strength.

2.    Assessing and addressing potential damage

Post-tinsel, it’s wise to take a moment to assess the state of your hair. Gently run your fingers through your hair to check for signs of strain or breakage. If you encounter areas that feel overly dry or witness increased hair fall, consult with a hair professional. They can recommend hair treatments or products specifically targeted to address and repair the damage.

3.    Natural oils for nourishment

Introduce natural oils, like argan, coconut, or jojoba, into your hair care regimen. These oils penetrate the hair shaft, offering deep nourishment and combating any dryness or brittleness that might have been introduced during the tinsel phase.

4.    Reduced heat styling

If you used a lot of heat to style your hair with tinsel in it, it may be time to give your hair a break for a few weeks post-tinsel. This respite allows your hair to recover naturally, reducing the chances of heat-induced damage.


In the radiant world of hair embellishments, hair tinsel extensions stand out as a captivating way to add that extra sparkle to one's look. Yet, as we've journeyed through the intricacies of applying, maintaining, and removing them, it's evident that the true shimmer lies not just in the tinsel itself but in the care and techniques employed to protect the hair it adorns. Prioritizing your hair's health ensures you can enjoy the brilliance of hair tinsel without compromise. When tying or removing tinsel from your hair, always put safety first. This ensures that every hair strand sparkles in both style and health.